Using wrestling as a catalyst for change.

We believe wrestling has the power to improve and change lives and everybody can make a difference.
Why Wrestle?
Girls wrestling helps girls to develop physical competence, resilience, and self-confidence.
Furthermore, as the fastest growing high school sport in the nation with over 100 college programs, girls wrestling can be a springboard to post-secondary opportunities.
With the many benefits that wrestling offers young women, it is essential that we strengthen the pipeline to bring girls into wrestling and support them towards the opportunities available to them through wrestling.
Athlete Development
Increase girls participation and retention.
Athlete Navigation Clinics
Better understand the path to college athletics.
Coaches Ed. & Networking
Female specific coaches education & networking.
“My team and friends have always been powerful influences and the people around me have always been by my side and keep my head up even when I can’t.”
— Avery, Wrestler
Reach out with any questions.
(907) 399-9854
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Photo: Greg Lincoln, The Delta Discovery